Total Post: 1,278

Font Licenses

If you believe your copyright-protected work was posted on Free For Fonts without authorization, you may submit a copyright infringement notification. These requests should only be submitted by the copyright owner or an agent authorized to act on the owner’s behalf.

License Info
The license type of a font determines how you may use it.

Free Fonts for Personal Use typically refers to any use that is not meant to generate profit, such as:

Graphic design for personal websites, blogs, etc..
Flyers or invitations to friends and family
Churches, charities, or non-profit organizations
Making T-shirt for yourself or friends at no charge
Free Fonts for Commercial Use is for companies or individuals that may profit from the use of the font, such as the following cases:

Flyer or poster for an event that charges admission
Printing a T-shirt that you will be selling
Text or graphics in a book
Graphic design work (logo, business card, website)
And any other situations where you are getting paid
In the majority of the font licenses, the font designer or author still retains Copyright, which means that you are not allowed to sell the font itself or claim it as your own.

However, if you want to use the font for commercial purposes, such as in a logo design, advertisement, or product sold in the market, you will need to purchase a license to use the font or use a different font that is licensed for commercial use.